
marketing technology

We use the latest technologies, devices and
communication channels creatively to help brands
communicate in a digital world.

We use the latest technologies, devices and communication channels creatively to help brands communicate in a digital world.

Discover the multi-screen world

multi-screen world

Contemporary customer does not interact with the brand through one
communication channel only. Consumers’ interactions with brands are now multichannel.

It’s a reality in which we spend more and more time on mobile phones,
tablets, computers, in front of TVs or screens located in public spaces.

Our 8-year experience and observations of multi-screen progress, complemented by competence
in creation and technology, enable us to create digital solutions for all customer/brand interfaces.

On average, people in Poland spend 6,5h
daily in front of an electronic device.


How do we help brands find their way in this world?

FIRSTWe know what this
digital landscape looks like

SECONDWe know how certain
brands should act in it

THIRDWe can identify the biggest
opportunities this new reality
creates for your brand.

On the basis of this knowledge we are able to build and implement a multi-screen
marketing strategy, which is the starting point for digital communication.

potential cutomer / brand interfaces on a daily basis


How brands should
communicate in multi-screen world

First of all, by engaging the customer. Personalizing the message in a form which supports each user’s screen by taking the context of time and place into consideration. Knowledge of rules and an experienced creative team enable us to create effective multi-screen content for our clients.

Second of all, the message should be delivered via multiple channels, at every customer/brand interface. Via mobile devices, personal computers, TV, Smart TV and DOOH (digital out of home). This requires technological knowledge. Our creative team consists of programmers and web-developers, who apply a dedicated technology for a certain kind of screen.

Apple’s latest iOS8 features enable you to transition seamlessly among your iPhone, iPad and Mac. They can automatically pass what you’re doing from one device to another.
You can now start shopping on your iPad and continue it on your Mac.
Start it here, finish it there.


How to keep up with the changes
in multi-screen world?

By constant analysis and optimization. Evaluation process is an integral part of the digital solutions we offer. We provide tools for monitoring, measurement and analysis of events and consumer behaviour. We can analyze user interfaces, information architecture, and effectiveness of lead generation techniques and many other essential parameters. The knowledge we gain enables us to optimize the multi-screen digital communication.

Heat map technology offers in-depth usability
and optimizing conversion by indicating
your visitor’s every mouse move and click and scroll.



Digital marketing environment constantly responds to the changing consumer mindsets.
We try to react quickly and keep pace with these changes.
Some solutions have been described below, others are available in the LABS bookmark.

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